The 29th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2022)

November 22-26, 2022

IIT Indore, India

Jointly Organized by IIT Indore and IIIT Allahabad

Special Events: AICS and CDMC

Call for Tutorials

The 29th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2022) invites proposals for tutorials on core topics or emerging and growing topics of neural networks, such as deep learning and brain-inspired research. Tutorials should be of interest to a substantial portion of the neural network community and represent a sufficiently mature area of research or practice. The tutorial speakers should be scientists or professionals with significant expertise.

Each accepted tutorial will be approximately two hours long. Proposals should be no more than five pages submitted in PDF format. Each proposal should be structured to provide the following information:

  • Abstract (up to 300 words)
  • Title
  • Description and outline: Please provide an outline of what you plan to cover, including references and details on how much time you will spend on each topic. Note that tutorials should provide a balanced overview of a research area and should not focus more on their organization's results, tools, or products.
  • Target audience: Who is the target audience? What background do you expect attendees to have?
  • Presenters: Please include the names and email addresses of the presenters, along with brief bios and a description of each presenter's expertise in the tutorial area. If there are multiple presenters, please describe how the time will be divided between them. All presenters listed in the proposal are expected to attend.
  • Previous tutorials: Has the tutorial (or a similar/highly related tutorial) been presented at another venue? Please list the dates and venues, and describe the similarities and differences between the previous tutorials and the proposed tutorial.
  • Links to video recordings of the presenters' previous talks if you have.
Researchers interested in presenting a tutorial at ICONIP 2022 are invited to submit a formal proposal no more than 5 pages as a single PDF file to the tutorial chairs.

Important Dates: (All times in PST)
Deadline for proposals: 11:59 PM (AoE), June 25, 2022
Notification of proposals: 11:59 PM (AoE), July 10, 2022
Proposals will be reviewed and approved on a first-come, first-served basis.

Tutorial Chairs:
Swagatam Das (, ISI Kolkata, India
Parta Pratim Roy (, IIT Roorkee, India
Hussein Abbass (, University of New South Wales, Australia

All proposals should be submitted to Tutorial Chairs and cc to

The call for tutorial is now available.