APNNS organizes educational seminars and workshops. Please contact the VP Education for sponsorship of your education events.

Upcoming Events
APNNS Education Forum Series: Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence Summer/Winter School

DLAI7 was held online virtually from 17-21 July, 2023. More info at https://deeplearningandaiwinterschool.github.io/

Past Events

DLAI7 (17-21 July 2023)

DLAI6 (14-18 June 2022)

DLAI5 (6-10 May 2021)

DLAI4 (18-22 Nov 2020)

DLAI3 (29 Jun – 3 Jul 2020)

DLAI2 (10-13 Dec 2018)

DLAI1 (1-4 Feb 2018)